Inclusive Communication with Sara Thornhurst

How often do we, as communicators, really consider the breadth and diversity of the people we’re communicating with?  In this Quick Dip we talk to Sara Thornhurst about how inclusive communication can help organisations to reach and include more diverse audiences.

Sara Thornhurst is a disabled PR practitioner and trainer who ran her own agency for several years. She has been speaking out about disability in PR since 2016 and has run workshops on disability inclusion, accessibility and diversity issues at multiple industry events and is an experienced public speaker and activist. 

She offers PR consultancy with an EDI focus and runs regular training sessions and workshops for agencies and PR events to help them overcome issues around ableism, and employing and retaining disabled talent. 

She is also the Chair of the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire CIPR Committee and a member of the CIPR’s Diversity Inclusion Network.

In this podcast you’ll find out: 

  • How pervasive ableism is in our language
  • Why people with disabilities should not be treated as inspirational heroes
  • How organisation wide reasonable adjustments benefit everyone 
  • How the Social Model of disability can help to change entrenched ways of thinking about disability.

Connect with Sara: You can follow her on LinkedInTwitter and read more about her work on her website

Thank you for listening! 

A Quick Dip is about starting conversations. If you’d like to share your thoughts, keep the conversation going, and ask questions you can connect to Sarah on LinkedIn. 


The Social Model of Disability – Scope

Chartered Institute of Public Relations – EDI Basics

Disability News Service

The Unwritten

Disability Visibility Project and books

“I’m not your inspiration, thank you very much.” – TED Talk by Stella Young

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