Intercultural Communication – with Mariana Barros

In this episode of A Quick Dip, we take a look at intercultural communication with our guest Mariana Barros as we explore the importance of understanding how cultural differences intersect with organizational and business culture.

Mariana Barros holds a Masters degree in International Relations from the San Tiago Dantas Program (PUC/SP, UNESP and UNICAMP) and a Bachelors degree in International Relations from PUC/SP. She has lived, worked and studied in France , the United States, Equatorial Guinea  and Thailand. She is a founding partner of Differänce Intercultural, and has 20 years of experience in the field of cultural intelligence and DEI. She was a TEDX São Paulo speaker in 2016

In this podcast you’ll find out: 

  • What refusing French food can teach us about cross cultural communication
  • The importance of self awareness in relation to intercultural awareness
  • Why not making assumptions will help you to understand difference 
  • How history and context helps us to understand culture.

Connect with Mariana: You can follow her on LinkedIn, and read more about her work on her website

Thank you for listening! 

A Quick Dip is about starting conversations. If you’d like to share your thoughts, keep the conversation going, and ask questions you can connect to Sarah on LinkedIn.

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