Plain Language – with Ema Naito

Are we sure that when we communicate our message isn’t lost in opaque statements, and clouded by complex language that speaks to no one?   In this Quick Dip we talk to Ema Naito about the importance of clear and concise written English. 

Ema Naito is The Clarity Editor. A bilingual scholarly editor who loves clear, plain English and its power to promote an inclusive world. Based in Bangkok, Ema helps multilingual authors around the world write effectively for international development and in the social sciences. She holds a master’s degree from the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, sings classically, and practices Hawaiian hula dance.

In this podcast you’ll find out: 

  • The power of plain language as a bridge between cultures 
  • Why clear language is a human rights issue 
  • The importance of centering your reading in communications  
  • How plain language can help you to communicate your message to a more diverse audience 
  • The visual design of text so all readers can navigate your message

Connect with Ema: you can follow her on LinkedIn, Facebook and read more about her work on her Website.

Thank you for listening! 

A Quick Dip is about starting conversations. If you’d like to share your thoughts, keep the conversation going, and ask questions you can connect to Sarah on LinkedIn.

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