Tone of Voice – with Janine Christie

For this episode of A Quick Dip, we delve into tone of voice. What does it mean when we talk about an organization or a brand’s tone of voice and why is it important?

To guide us through this topic is Janine Christie, copywriter and creator of True Voice Kickstart. Her mission is to get solo entrepreneurs to unleash a truer and bolder voice in their copy. She works one-to-one with clients to stop second guessing what and how they say everything and say bye-bye to the rules of writing.

In this podcast you’ll find out: 

  • The difference between tone of voice and voice 
  • Why brand guidelines will help you avoid getting it ‘wrong’ 
  • How hitting the right tone will resonate with the right people
  • The importance of jargon free copy. 

Connect with Janine: You can follow her on LinkedInInstagram and read more about her work on her website

Thank you for listening! 

A Quick Dip is about starting conversations. If you’d like to share your thoughts, keep the conversation going, and ask questions you can connect to Sarah on LinkedIn.

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